Orange flavored liqueur from Sardegna (500 ml)

Orange flavored liqueur from Sardegna (500 ml)

Amargura is a liqueur that plays on the balance between sweet and bitter ("amargura" means bitterness in the Sardinian language) with an infusion of fresh orange peels as the main ingredient. The addition of red cinchona bark infusion provides the bitter note. The blend is enriched by the precious harmony provided by carob and a touch of sugar. Ingredients: Infusion of fresh orange peels, carob, cinchona, alcohol, water, sugar. Alcohol content: 26%
18,00 €


Amargura is a liqueur that plays on the balance between sweet and bitter ("amargura" means bitterness in the Sardinian language) with an infusion of fresh orange peels as the main ingredient. The addition of red cinchona bark infusion provides the bitter note. The blend is enriched by the precious harmony provided by carob and a touch of sugar. Ingredients: Infusion of fresh orange peels, carob, cinchona, alcohol, water, sugar. Alcohol content: 26%

Analisi Nutrizionale

Stili di vita

Vegetariano - Adatto
Vegano - Non adatto
Senza glutine - Adatto
Senza lattosio - Adatto
Pescetariano - Adatto
Senza nichel - Adatto

Intolleranze e allergie

Crostacei - Adatto
Uova - Adatto
Pesce - Adatto
Arachidi - Adatto
Soia - Adatto
Latte - Adatto
Frutta a guscio - Adatto
Sedano - Adatto
Senape - Adatto
Sesamo - Adatto
Solfiti - Adatto
Lupini - Adatto
Molluschi - Adatto
Legumi - Adatto
Solanacee - Adatto
Aromi - Adatto
Caffè - Adatto
Monococco - Adatto
Pomodoro - Adatto


Coloranti - Info non disp.
Conservanti - Info non disp.
Antiossidanti e correttori d'acidità - Info non disp.
Addensanti, stabilizzanti, emulsionanti - Info non disp.
Correttori d'acidità e antiagglomeranti - Info non disp.
Esaltatori di sapidità - Info non disp.
Additivi vari - Info non disp.
Edulcoranti - Info non disp.


Halal - Info non disp.
Kosher - Info non disp.
Bio - Info non disp.
Senza zuccheri aggiunti - Info non disp.
Senza olio di palma - Info non disp.
Senza grassi idrogenati - Info non disp.
Senza lieviti - Info non disp.
Senza antibiotici - Info non disp.
Made in italy - Certificato