La foto della ricetta Double Chocolate Cookies di Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.

Double chocolate cookies

Delicious double chocolate cookies, perfect for any occasion. Easy to make and irresistible!


30 min

15 min




Prodotti in questa ricetta


(per 18 persone)

All-purpose flour

160 g

Potato starch

20 g

Sugar (or 50 g brown/50 g white)

100 g

Whole egg

1 unit

Soft butter

100 g

Vanilla extract

1 unit

Baking soda

0.5 unit

Chocobar Cioccolato al Caramello Salato 50g

1 prodotto

Guarda sul sito

Chocobar cioccolato al caramello salato 50g

50 g

Chopped dark chocolate

50 g

Toasted hazelnuts

30 g


3 g


STEP 1 di 7

Work the soft butter with the sugar and vanilla until creamy.

STEP 2 di 7

Add the egg and mix.

STEP 3 di 7

Incorporate the flour, starch, baking soda, and salt, and continue mixing.

STEP 4 di 7

Add the two types of chocolate and hazelnuts, mixing until you get a uniform mixture.

STEP 5 di 7

Let it cool in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

STEP 6 di 7

Form balls with the dough and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

STEP 7 di 7

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 12-15 minutes.

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Altre informazioni

This recipe makes about 30 small cookies or 18 medium cookies.