Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Easy vanilla cake
EASY CAKE, the delicacy of rice flour, the scent of vanilla, and absolute softness.
15 min
30 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 6 persone)
Egg white
110 g
Rice oil
5 units
Rice milk
80 g
50 g

Drops zero dolcificante zero zuccheri aromatizzato 30ml (vaniglia)
3 units

Farina di riso aromatizzata (crema di riso) 750g (croissant)
180 g
Baking powder
16 g
Cream of tartar
15 g
Baking soda
8 g
STEP 1 di 7
Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.STEP 2 di 7
In a bowl, combine the dry ingredients.STEP 3 di 7
Add the liquids.STEP 4 di 7
Gently fold in the beaten egg whites with a spatula, moving from top to bottom.STEP 5 di 7
Mix all the ingredients until you achieve a smooth, lump-free result.STEP 6 di 7
Preheat the static oven to 180 degrees.STEP 7 di 7
Bake for 25-30 minutes, checking with a toothpick test.Modalità di conservazione
Altre informazioni
Fitchef: @annamariachef2.0