Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Overnight oats - no-cook porridge
A delicious and healthy breakfast or snack.
10 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 1 persona)
Weetabix biscuits
2 units
Greek yogurt
150 g
Milk or water
40 mL
Sweetener (zero drops to taste)
to taste
to taste

Cacao zero zuccheri low fat 150g
10 g

Drops zero dolcificante zero zuccheri aromatizzato 30ml (vaniglia)
to taste
30 mL

Crema proteica cioccolato fondente 70% senza lattosio (200g)
1 tablespoon

Burro di arachidi 100% - 1kg (cremoso / 1kg)
1 teaspoon
STEP 1 di 7
Crumble the two weetabix biscuits onto a plate.STEP 2 di 7
Add the milk and Greek yogurt.STEP 3 di 7
Mix everything well and pour the mixture into a bowl.STEP 4 di 7
Prepare the cream by mixing cocoa, sweetener, water, and protein cream.STEP 5 di 7
Pour the cocoa cream over the mixture in the bowl.STEP 6 di 7
Leave in the refrigerator overnight to rest.STEP 7 di 7
The next morning, decorate with peanut butter and enjoy.Modalità di conservazione
Store in the refrigerator overnight
Altre informazioni
Fitchef: @clari_lifestyle