Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Valentine's day fit sweet heart-cake
A fit, soft, and heart-shaped sweet. The beetroot gives an amazing color and incredible texture. Perfect for Valentine's Day!
10 min
12 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 2 persone)

Fiocchi di avena baby aromatizzati caramello salato 750g
50 g
Spelt flour
20 g
Baking powder
4 g
1 unit
Greek yogurt
50 g
Cooked and grated beetroot
80 g

Drops zero dolcificante zero zuccheri aromatizzato 30ml (caramello)
to taste
White hazelnut protein cream for topping
to taste
Stampo a forma di cuore
STEP 1 di 6
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.STEP 2 di 6
Mix the liquid ingredients in another bowl.STEP 3 di 6
Combine the dry and liquid ingredients.STEP 4 di 6
Pour the mixture into the heart-shaped mold.STEP 5 di 6
Bake at 180°C for 10-12 minutes.STEP 6 di 6
Add the white hazelnut protein cream topping and serve.Modalità di conservazione
Altre informazioni
Ideal recipe for Valentine's Day, fit and healthy sweet.