The book: Sicilia, o cara is the journey of Giuseppe Culicchia as a child, a journey preceded by his father's stories and especially by the imagination those stories ignited. And so here comes the arrival at the Turin station, the train that cuts through Italy, the fog that clears, the landscapes beyond the window, the first hints of smells and colors. When little Giuseppe arrives in Sicily, the fairy tales come to life, the stories become faces, cities, words. Palermo, Trapani, and finally Marsala, where relatives welcome him with a phrase that becomes a ritual formula - "But you are Peppe! Peppe like your grandfather Giuseppe Culicchia! Pippinu! Pippinu Piruzzu!". The horizon expands over the sea and Turin seems to belong to another life. Giuseppe Culicchia puts his memory at stake and relies on the gaze of a child - innocent, curious, full of wonder - to tell a journey that has not yet ended. The author: Giuseppe Culicchia (Turin 1965), a former bookseller, is the son of a Sicilian barber and a Piedmontese worker. He has published 24 books with major Italian publishers and is translated into ten languages. From his long seller Tutti giù per terra, the film of the same name was made. His latest novel is Il cuore e la tenebra (Mondadori, 2019). He has translated, among others, Mark Twain, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, and Bret Easton Ellis. For Einaudi, he translated American Psycho and Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis and published Ritorno a Torino dei signori Tornio (2007) and Mi sono perso in un luogo comune (2016). In 2017, Einaudi republished, with a new introduction by the author, Il paese delle meraviglie and in 2018, with a new introduction by the author, Tutti giù per terra.