For your kitchen, we offer this small plant that can supply you with Anderson Gold thyme whenever you need it to flavor your culinary creations or dishes. The Anderson Gold variety is a perennial evergreen and ground-covering plant that develops into a shrub, with an upright stem forming bushes about 50cm tall. It adapts to any soil, although it prefers a calcareous, well-drained, dry soil and a sunny exposure. The leaves are small and lanceolate, green with yellow edges, and have the typical lemon scent. The flowers are small and lilac-colored. It withstands frost well, as well as excessive heat and drought. It can only be transplanted in the months of September and October. Curiosity It has many applications in the cosmetic field as a facial de-fatiguing agent, as a shampoo for oily hair, and as lotions or powders for the body. Due to its antiseptic properties, thyme is considered a good natural bactericide and can be applied, as a healing agent, on small wounds or skin conditions after being blended and turned into a poultice.