La foto della ricetta Chocolate and Pistachio Truffles di Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.

Chocolate and pistachio truffles

A simple, quick, and tasty Christmas dessert, perfect for the holidays.


15 min



Prodotti in questa ricetta


(per 4 persone)

Dry biscuits

150 g

Philadelphia or greek yogurt

120 g

Pistachio protein cream

30 g

Cacao Zero Zuccheri Low Fat 150g

1 prodotto

Guarda sul sito

Cacao zero zuccheri low fat 150g

to taste

Chopped pistachios

to taste


Frullatore o tritatutto


STEP 1 di 5

Finely crush the dry biscuits.

STEP 2 di 5

Add the yogurt or Philadelphia and the pistachio protein cream, mixing well.

STEP 3 di 5

Form balls with the mixture, greasing your hands with a little oil.

STEP 4 di 5

Roll the balls in the unsweetened cocoa and chopped pistachios.

STEP 5 di 5

Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

Modalità di conservazione

Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Altre informazioni

Ideal recipe for those looking for a light and quick dessert to prepare.