Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Molten chocolate cake
A molten chocolate cake, warm and flourless, with only 140 kcal per serving. Perfect for those looking for a healthy and quick dessert to prepare.
5 min
10 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 1 persona)
Dark chocolate
10 g

Cacao zero zuccheri low fat 150g
15 g
Egg white
35 g
Plant-based milk
15 mL
Sweetener (e.g. honey)
to taste
Forno o friggitrice ad aria
STEP 1 di 5
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.STEP 2 di 5
Mix the melted chocolate with the egg white, cocoa, milk, and sweetener.STEP 3 di 5
Coat a baking cup with oil and cocoa.STEP 4 di 5
Pour the mixture into the baking cup.STEP 5 di 5
Bake in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes or in an air fryer at 180°C for 7 minutes.Modalità di conservazione
Altre informazioni
Flourless and low-calorie recipe, ideal for a balanced diet.