La foto della ricetta Mug cake pan di stelle di Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.

Mug cake pan di stelle

Delicious and light breakfast, easy to prepare without using the oven. The fitporn recipe of Mug Cake Pan di stelle will amaze you. Discover the ingredients and the procedure to prepare them in no time!


5 min

20 min




Prodotti in questa ricetta


(per 1 persona)

Farina di Avena Istantanea Aromatizzata 750g (Caramello Salato)

1 prodotto

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Farina di avena istantanea aromatizzata 750g (caramello salato)

40 g

Neutral oat flour

10 g


to taste

Cacao Zero Zuccheri Low Fat 150g

1 prodotto

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Cacao zero zuccheri low fat 150g

10 g

Egg white

120 mL

Greek yogurt (or ricotta/mashed banana)

50 g

Milk for a smooth consistency (optional)

30 mL

Crema proteica Cioccolato Bianco Senza Lattosio (200g)

1 prodotto

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Crema proteica cioccolato bianco senza lattosio (200g)

to taste

Baking powder

3 g


STEP 1 di 4

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix.

STEP 2 di 4

Pour into an already greased bowl.

STEP 3 di 4

Steam for about 15/20 minutes.

STEP 4 di 4

Let cool and decorate.