Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Peanut butter cookies
If you love peanuts, you absolutely must try these cookies with 4 ingredients and zero hassle!
20 min
15 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 4 persone)

Burro di arachidi 100% - 200g (cremoso / 200g)
150 g
All-purpose flour
150 g
Agave syrup (or other sweetener)
2 units
1 unit
STEP 1 di 7
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.STEP 2 di 7
Knead until you get a compact dough.STEP 3 di 7
Let the dough rest in the fridge for about 20 minutes.STEP 4 di 7
Form balls from the dough and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.STEP 5 di 7
Create a dent in each cookie with your fingertips.STEP 6 di 7
Bake at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.STEP 7 di 7
Once baked, add a bit of melted dark chocolate and peanut butter.Modalità di conservazione
Altre informazioni
Fit chef: @donats.recipe