La foto della ricetta Torta mantovana di Spaghetti & Mandolino

Una ricetta di

Spaghetti & Mandolino

Torta mantovana

Torta Mantovana is a simple and easy-to-make cake typical of Tuscany. Enjoy preparing the soft and genuine Torta Mantovana!


20 min

30 min



Prodotti in questa ricetta


(per 8 persone)

00 flour

175 g


175 g

Zucchero di Canna Grezzo Integrale BIO 1kg

1 prodotto

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Zucchero di canna grezzo integrale bio 1kg

175 g

Egg yolks

4 units


1 unit

Crema di Mandorle 180g

1 prodotto

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Crema di mandorle 180g

50 g

Lievito di pasta madre essiccato di frumento BIO 200g

1 prodotto

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Lievito di pasta madre essiccato di frumento bio 200g

5 g


as needed


STEP 1 di 8

Place the softened butter and sugar in a bowl. Whisk them with an electric mixer or planetary whisk until fluffy.

STEP 2 di 8

Add the whole egg and continue mixing to incorporate it.

STEP 3 di 8

Line a 26 cm cake tin with baking paper.

STEP 4 di 8

Pour the mixture into the cake tin and spread it evenly with the back of a spoon.

STEP 5 di 8

Add the egg yolks, one at a time, ensuring each is fully absorbed before adding the next.

STEP 6 di 8

Chop the almonds with a knife; sprinkle them over the cake's surface until fully covered.

STEP 7 di 8

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes (fan 160°C for 20-25 minutes). Test with a toothpick before removing from the oven.

STEP 8 di 8

Remove from the oven, let cool, and serve your Torta Mantovana! Optionally, dust with powdered or granulated sugar.