Una ricetta di
Fitporn® - Healthy Food, Looking Good.Flourless cake
A magical flourless and gluten-free cake with only 5 main ingredients: ricotta, lemon, egg, sweetener, and potato starch. Perfect for those looking for a light and tasty dessert.
10 min
25 min
Prodotti in questa ricetta
(per 4 persone)
Organic egg
1 unit
Low-fat ricotta
250 g

Syrup zero al caramello 430g
to taste
Potato starch
30 g
Grated lemon zest
1 unit
Stampo da 12 cm di diametro
STEP 1 di 4
Mix all the ingredients together until you get a smooth mixture.STEP 2 di 4
Pour the batter into a mold about 12 cm in diameter.STEP 3 di 4
Bake in a fan oven at 170°C for about 25 minutes or in an air fryer at 160°C for 25 minutes.STEP 4 di 4
Let it cool before serving.Modalità di conservazione
Altre informazioni
Recipe shared by @lablonde2.0_ and @fitporn. Suitable for gluten-free and flourless diets.